Bejan Daruwala, Astrologer is upbeat on India. According to his crystal ball gazing India is likely to be right at the top soon.
Continuing his bullish outlook, Daruwala sees SENSEX to be at 20000 in between April and September. He says that the avenues of progress is likely to be in hotel, food, chemicals, agriculture, oil and cosmetics.
"Here are the avenues of progress, expansion, growth, demand, supply and finally profit. So again I say it starts around December, a 20,000 Sensex between April to September next year. Again finally and this is very exciting, India for all her corruption is on her way to the top because of this. This is context, communication, IT, correspondence. So believe me and I am 81, an professor of English and every time I come here and I was on the financial times also, India slowly surely will come right on top," Daruwala says in an CNBC-TV18's special show Mahurat Trading.