we have seen top of 21206 in january 2008, we have seen bottom of 7697 in oct 2008.we have seen both greed and fear at their extreme.some exited from market smartly near top but got trapped again at very higher levels again.same way some smart players got entry at near bottom of 7697 exited early and still waiting for big correction.what is the solution for entry and exit at any time by simple method without going for analysis of no of fundamental or technical studies.
one thing i have found which is a very much important factor and that is PRICE of the asset. by focussing only on price and observing it in simple manner as shown in attached chart thats 1-2-3 pattern,actually it is nothing but use of higher highs and higher lows with some discipline.
it can be used for any asset in the world without knowing any thing about it at any time irrespective of PE level.
it can be used in bearish period to sell first and buy later to minimise your losses.
only limitation of this pattern is sideways market for longer duartion like we have seen between oct 2008 and march 2009.
do some paper trading and than use it. u will become self sufficient.